Il negozio non sempre è grande o risponde all’idea dell’ambiente che si vorrebbe ricreare, specie se si tratta di una nuova apertura in una posizione strategica, dove le spese di affitto o acquisto sono notevoli e occorre sfruttare il poco spazio disponibile. L’idea di base per arredarlo e renderlo confortevole per sé e per i…
The European week for waste reduction (HEAD) is an initiative originating within the LIFE programme of the European Commission, with the aim of promoting the creation of awareness on sustainability and on the proper management of waste in the course of a week.
It is an initiative that involves a wide range of audiences (public bodies, enterprises, civil society and citizens). SERR's goals are as follows:
• promote actions to reduce waste across Europe;
• raising awareness about possible strategies and European and national environmental policies;
• to highlight good examples of waste reduction;
• emphasize the connections between waste reduction, sustainable development and the fight against climate change.
In 2015, the Symposium of prevention will focus on dematerialisation: Doing more with less, promoting intelligent consumption and thereby reducing waste at source.
To pay attention on this issue, the Municipality of Ragusa, Esper and Svimed are organising a conference day 28 November 2015 Palazzo Cosentini, to illustrate the new waste management plan of the Municipality of Ragusa and present some initiatives developed in the Ibleo territory for the promotion of sustainable heritage management.
For more information: – – Tel: 0932 247643
Dear Users,
We ask your cooperation in order to achieve an assessment on the quality of services and initiatives carried out under the project SMOT with implementing the recycling centre EcogReenibla, Largo San Paolo Ragusa Ibla.
Your comments will help us to measure your degree of satisfaction, in order to improve our service and to adapt it to your expectations.
Since Wednesday 27 may will be held the first of five meetings attended with the townspeople to collect ideas and information, in view of the final draft of the new plan of domestic collection of waste prepared by the local authority.
Consult the calendar and find one near you!
Your feedback is important to us: fill out the short online questionnaire, your valuable contribution will be taken into consideration and discussed during the meetings
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