Privacy and Cookies

The owner of the data processing “of navigation” is, Via Vittorio Emanuele 68 – 96010 -Farah (SR), (afterwards, "Holder").
To contact the owner send an email to

The holder ensures compliance of all legislation on privacy under European data protection Regulation n. 679/2016 (GDPR, "General Data Protection Regulation") and subsequent amendments.

Types of data processed

The data that are the subject of this policy are all personal data, identifying and non-sensitive (including but not limited, name, last name, business name, address, phone, e-mail – later, "personal data"or even"data") expressly provided by those who interact with the web services of this site accessible by telematics at (afterwards, "Site"). This information is provided only to this site and not to other web sites accessed via links.

Purpose of data processing

Personal data are processed for the following purposes (afterwards, "Purposes of service"):

  • manage and provide the services offered through the website;
  • allow the user to benefit from the services expressly requested;
  • try a contact request generated from your site (For example,, respond to an email receipt, contact you on the phone);
  • make communications relating to the conduct of the relationship;
  • processing of personal data supplied by the user and those gathered from your navigation on the site in order to provide a service that is consistent with the use of the service;
  • collection, storage and processing of navigation data to perform statistical analyses in anonymous and aggregate status;
  • fulfil the obligations required by law, from a regulation, by Community law or by an order of the authority;
  • prevent or uncover fraud or abuse harmful to your Site;
  • exercise the rights of the proprietor, such as the right to exercise a right in court.

In addition, only with specific and distinct consent by the user, personal data are processed for the following other purposes (afterwards, "Other Purposes"):

  • sending newsletters;
  • mailing of notices of opinion polls and approval ratings;
  • emailing of invitations to events or registrations to events to which it belongs or that organizes the holder.

Location of data processing

The processing operations connected to the web services of this website take place at the headquarters of the owner and at the datacenter of web Hosting where the site is hosted. Is followed only by technical staff in charge of processing, or by persons in charge of occasional maintenance operations. No data deriving from the web service is communicated or disclosed except as expressly provided by law.

Methods of treatment

The personal data provided by users are used only to perform the services provided by the site and only for the purposes set out in the purpose of the processing, are communicated to third parties only if this is necessary for that purpose.

In addition to the information you submit will be recorded other data specifically deriving from the user's navigation on the website. For any access to the site we log your browser type, the operating system, the host and the source URL, In addition to the information about the requested page. This data is used in aggregate and anonymous form to analyze site usage statistics.

The personal data will be processed for the following: collection, registration, Organization, conservation, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, block, communication, cancellation and destruction of data. The data will be processed with electronic instruments and/or automated and electronic logic strictly related to the purposes of organization and process and in order to ensure the security, the integrity and confidentiality of data in accordance with the organizational measures, physical and logical provisions of the current provisions. The Owner will treat the personal data for as long as it takes to fulfill the above purposes and in any case for no later than 10 years since the termination of the relationship for Service Purposes and no later than 2 years from the data collection for Other Purposes.

Data communication

Personal data and/or the results of the above statistical analyses may be communicated to:

  • people, companies or professional firms that provide assistance and advice to the Accounting Holder, Administrative, Legal, tax and financial;
  • persons whose right to access data is recognized by legal provisions or by the orders of the authorities;
  • persons delegated and/or appointed by the Owner to carry out the activities related to the provision of the services present on this Site;
  • third-party companies or others (as an indication, website provider, cloud provider, e-payment service provider, Suppliers, hardware and software support technicians, shippers and carriers, lenders, professional studies, Etc.) outsourcing on behalf of the Owner, as processors.

The person's personal data will not be disclosed for any reason.

The user is not obligated to give the Owner the data required by the Site. Providing data to the Owner is optional, However, in case of refusal of consent for the purposes mentioned above, and in case of refusal of consent to the communication of the data to subjects mentioned above, We will be unable to provide the services requested by the user.

Rights of interested parties

Any individual who uses our site may:

  • obtain from the data controller, at any time, information about the existence of your personal data, the origin of the same, the purposes and methods of treatment and, If present, access to the personal data and information referred to in the article 15 GDPR;
  • request the update, adjustment, integration, cancellation, limitation of data processing if one of the conditions provided for in the article is 18 GDPR, anonymously transforming or blocking personal data, treated in violation of the law, including those that do not need to be retained in relation to the purposes for which the data has been collected and/or subsequently processed;
  • Oppose, all or part of it, for legitimate reasons, data processing, relevant to the purpose of the collection and processing of personal data provided for commercial information or sending advertising or direct sales material or for the completion of market research or commercial communication; each user also has the right to withdraw consent at any time without prejudging the legality of the treatment based on the consent given before the revocation;
  • receive your personal data, consciously and actively or through the use of the service, in a structured format, common and readable by automatic device, and pass them on to another unhindered treatment holder;
  • complain to the Data Protection Authority in Italy.

At any time the person concerned may submit any question or request relating to personal data privacy and exercise your rights by writing to the owner by email.

Data provided voluntarily by users

The optional insertion of data on forms on this site (contact form, newsletter, etc.) as well as the optional, explicit and voluntary transmission of data in web forms or e-mail addresses listed on this site, to obtain specific services and/or communications and information, subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, requests or to provide services, communications and required information, any other personal data entered.

This Site and the Owner's Services are not intended for minors 18 And the Holder does not intentionally collect personal information relating to minors. If information about minors is unintentionally recorded, The Owner will erase them in a timely manner, at the request of users.

Cookie Policy

The website (afterwards, "Site") use technical cookies and third-party cookies.

Perché sono utilizzati i cookie su questo Sito?

Questo Sito utilizza i cookie al fine di ottimizzare l’esperienza dell’utente, per rendere la navigazione personale e facilitare l’utilizzo del sito stesso.

Acquisizione del consenso all’utilizzo dei cookie

L’informativa e l’acquisizione del consenso possono avvenire, in conformità alla disciplina vigente e con le modalità semplificate indicate dal gestore del sito web, chiudendo il banner visualizzato sul Sito.

Cookie tecnici e di statistica aggregata

Questo Sito utilizza un cookie tecnico per il tempo in cui l’utente naviga il Sito (cookie di sessione), ha lo scopo di memorizzare alcune informazioni anonime per rendere più sicura l’erogazione dei servizi offerti (scelta della lingua di navigazione, valore per eventuali filtri di ricerca e carrello per gli acquisti).

Suddetto cookie tecnico viene automaticamente cancellato alla chiusura del browser.

Utilizziamo inoltre un cookie tecnico per memorizzare, per una durata di 12 months, il tuo consenso all’utilizzo dei cookie su questo Sito.

Finally, possono essere installati cookie analitici con “anonimizzazione” dell’IP per raccogliere informazioni, in forma aggregata ed anonima, sul numero degli utenti e su come gli utenti visitano il Sito. This information is processed in aggregate and anonymous form. The site does not use cookies of profiling.

Third party cookies

This type of cookie integrates third-party functionality within the pages of the site as the icons and preferences in social networks in order to share content on the site or for the use of third-party software services (as the software to generate the maps and additional software they offer additional services). Tali funzionalità sono programmate in modo da non impostare alcun cookie all’accesso della pagina, per salvaguardare la privacy degli utenti. Eventualmente i cookie vengono impostati, se così previsto dai siti di terze parti (ed esempio, social network) solo quando l’utente fa effettivo e volontario uso della funzionalità. Si tenga presente che se l’utente naviga essendo loggato nel sito di terza parte allora ha già acconsentito all’uso dei cookie veicolati tramite questo sito al momento dell’iscrizione al sito di terza parte. La raccolta e l’uso delle informazioni ottenute a mezzo della funzionalità sono regolati dalle rispettive informative privacy dei siti di terze parti, alle quali si prega di fare riferimento.

Quali cookie di terze parti sono utilizzati

Google Analytics

strumento analitico – privacy policyOPT-OUT

Cookie analitici di navigazione (opportunamente anonimizzati rendendoli quindi cookie “tecnici” – rif. guida di Google Analytics) generati da Google Analytics, un servizio di analisi del traffico web fornito da Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics utilizza i cookie per raccogliere e analizzare in forma anonima le informazioni sui comportamenti di utilizzo del Sito. Tali informazioni vengono raccolte da Google Analytics, che le elabora allo scopo di redigere report accessibili ad operatori del Sito e/o ad operatori esterni incaricati, che riguardano le attività del sito web stesso. Google non associa l’indirizzo IP a nessun altro dato posseduto da Google né cerca di collegare un indirizzo IP con l’identità di un utente. Utilizzando il presente Sito web, l’utente acconsente al trattamento dei dati da parte di Google per le modalità e i fini sopraindicati. I dati trasmessi a Google sono depositati presso i server di Google negli Stati Uniti. Google può anche comunicare queste informazioni a terzi ove ciò sia imposto dalla legge o laddove tali terzi trattino le suddette informazioni per conto di Google.

Google Maps

servizio di fruibilità – privacy policyOPT-OUT

Alcune pagine del Sito utilizzano le mappe interattive fornite da Google Inc. (“Google”). Google può impostare dei cookie per memorizzare le informazioni e le preferenze su mappe o altri servizi Google associati alle pagine in cui abbiamo incorporato Google Maps.


digital publishing – privacy policyOPT-OUT

Alcune delle nostre pagine incorporano pubblicazioni di Issuu che possono impostare dei cookie sul tuo computer.


social media – privacy policyOPT-OUT

Alcune delle nostre pagine incorporano video pubblicati su YouTube che possono impostare dei cookie sul tuo computer.


Di seguito la lista cookie real-time:

Cookie NameCookie CategoryDescriptionDuration
wordpress_2WordPress cookie for a logged in user.session
wordpress_logged_in_2WordPress cookie for a logged in usersession
wordpress_test_2WordPress cookie for a logged in usersession
wordpress_test_cookie2WordPress test cookiesession
wp-settings-1Wordpress also sets a few wp-settings-[UID] cookies. The number on the end is your individual user ID from the users database table. This is used to customize your view of admin interface, and possibly also the main site interface. 1 year
wp-settings-time-2Wordpress also sets a few wp-settings-{time}-[UID] cookies. The number on the end is your individual user ID from the users database table. This is used to customize your view of admin interface, and possibly also the main site interface. 1 year
PHPSESSID1To identify your unique session on the websitesession
SESS1To ensure that you are recognised when you move from page to page within the site and that any information you have entered is remembered.session

Trasferimento di dati in paesi extra UE

Il presente sito potrebbe condividere alcuni dei dati raccolti con servizi localizzati al di fuori dell’area dell’Unione Europea. In particolare con Google, Facebook e Microsoft (LinkedIn) tramite i social plugin e il servizio di Google Analytics. Il trasferimento è autorizzato in base a specifiche decisioni dell’Unione Europea e del Garante per la tutela dei dati personali, in particolare la decisione 1250/2016 (Privacy Shield – qui la pagina informativa del Garante italiano), per cui non occorre ulteriore consenso. Le aziende sopra menzionate garantiscono la propria adesione al Privacy Shield.

Come modificare o disattivare le preferenze dei cookies

Dalle impostazioni del tuo browser (per esempio Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox o Chrome) potrai stabilire quali sono i cookie che desideri ricevere e quali no. Per sapere dove puoi trovare queste impostazioni, che possono variare a seconda del browser utilizzato, usa la funzione “Help” o “Aiuto” del tuo browser.
Qui sotto alcuni link di aiuto per impostare i cookie nei browser maggiormente diffusi:

Mozilla FirefoxMicrosoft Internet ExplorerChromeApple SafariOpera

Modifiche e variazioni

Il Titolare aggiornerà periodicamente questo documento di Informativa Privacy e Cookie Policy, al fine di recepire le novità legislative e internazionali in materia.

Data ultimo aggiornamento: 23 maggio 2018.


Di seguito gli utenti loggati potranno cambiare le proprie impostazioni sulla privacy o richiedere i dati da noi conservati come da nuovo regolamento prevista dalla Normativa GDPR 2018.

Ricordiamo inoltre che eliminare il proprio account da ECOPORTAL significa non poter più raccogliere gli ecopounti o partecipare alle attività e agli sgravi economici previsti dalla propria amministrazione.

Privacy Preference Center

Close your account?

Your account will be closed and all data will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Are you sure?