The Municipal Administration of Francofonte wants to encourage the practice of domestic composting, by assigning domestic composters, in order to promote waste reduction by focusing on recovery and recycling of the same directly at the place of production.
May apply to participate in the award of a domestic composter, residents in the town to have a House with a garden of least surface mq. 10 for family and/or component with minimum surface sqm garden. 30.

And’ may download an application and its modules at the following link. (put the documentation).

For more information contact YOU – environment sector offices, Energy, Public Green, located in via M. Salehi n° 56, Tel. 0932/676437 – 676438.
Requests to participate may be completed and sent to the email address: taking care to insert the object: “Form for home composting” or submitted directly or sent by registered A/R, Francofonte City Protocol Office, C/so Italy, 72 – 97100 Francofonte.’
Applications may be submitted until exhaustion of composters.

For all users to whom you assign the home composter, After verification of correct use, You'll be provided a refund of 20% on the variable portion of TARI pursuant to art. 50 paragraph 1 letter e) Regulation IUC approved by resolution of c. C. of 22/7/2014. To this end,, each applicant must indicate on the application, your tax code number.

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